Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Face Fatigue

In Manhattan nobody looks at anyone, in the face or in the eyes. They look toward you but not at you. they have been bombarded by all types of eyes, noses, skin, ears, and lips to last them some time. Their mind can no longer process and their eyes have developed a dull glaze that reverberates all images back out like a pair of reflective glasses. I am not immune to this fatigue. I have it as well. That is why I must go back to LI to see space, air, grass, leaves, trees and nothing. Absolutely nothing.

And nothing can be pleasurable.


  1. Hi Blue Seaurchin! *waves*

    I have returned from my self-imposed exile with a new URL: http://fearlessinthefaceoflogic.blogspot.com/


  2. Oh so nice to know you are back. I was just thinking of you a moment ago and hoping that things were coming along smoothly in your neck of the woods.



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