Mouse fable
Mr. Mouse was quite lost. He needed to go home but it seemed the more he searched, the more lost he became.
Mr. Mouse was quite lost. He needed to go home but it seemed the more he searched, the more lost he became.
Posted by
2:37 PM
Labels: child story, creative writing, mini story, Mouse fable, mouse story, short story
There is this terribly incompetent employment agency (who had interviewed me at least 4 times and had tested me on computer skills for at at least 3 hours) and then later, much after having ignored me for 3 weeks, had called me concerning a job that i had already refused twice. Did they believe three times was lucky?
First the job opportunity was offered as a "temp", then it was presented to me again as a "temp to perm" and now recently it was re- re- presented to be as a "permanent and great job". What were they basing this phenomenal job rating on I am still unsure. In any case I thanked them as best as i could between clenched teeth and and told them that i had recently gained employment but that it was so nice that they thought of me yet once again. The agent seemed upset with me but seemed to be working hard not to show it, offered her congratulations with such a fake smile i could hear her foundation makeup crack under the phenomenal effort as she asked if my file should be removed from the active list. "Yes, please."
But no, no, nothing with these people can be that easy, for I received yet another call from the same agency. This time they had a "really great opportunity" for me. Wow, really? And they described what my unsavory task at said job would be without even coming up for air. You see the list was long. Apparently cloning would be essential. Oh and of course the boss was demanding. Translation: not someone you would want to work for and which in all likelihood would require that the average healthy person would need to go into therapy after a few months.
Finally after reciting this long list with apparently no commas, or periods, she asks if i would be interested in interviewing. I felt embarrassed to state the obvious that if I were to interview for this job it would have to be better then the job I was presently employed at. But apparently it was necessary as she didn't mention any reason why i would want to have this job which would be directly tied under the headings "income", "vacation", "health care" other "possible perks...."
There was a pause as if she is unsure what I am inquiring about.
Upset now at having to state the obvious in more detail and having to talk with this agency that I had already lost so much time previously with, I make a tremendous efforts to remain calm. "Yes, compensation." Why would I need to ask what the compensation is, does she think I work for pleasure and drop these checks in some paper recycling box on my way home? Isn't this the same compensation that she is expecting should the person hire me? Isn't this the same compensation that has instigated her to call me? She can't think I am desperate, I already have a job, wasn't that clear?
There is a pause and her voice sounds frustrated as she mutters "oh its about x to x amount depending on experience".
I tell her I am making approximately that amount where I am. How about vacation? She seems a little angry now....why? Is this not her job being the go between employer and potential employee? Shouldn't she know this information before calling especially as I am employed and it is difficult for me to make these type of phone calls about another job in my office?
She pauses again and lets me know with much irritation that she will need to contact the employer for that information. And now a longer pause. IS this a PAUSE in which she hopes I will say "no that's ok I will interview for this position regardless of pay and vacation?"
Instead I say "that's sounds good and can you please leave the information on my voice mail so that "we" (really meaning "I") don't have to play phone tag and I can make my decision as soon as possible. (doesn't logic stipulate that these aren't calls I want to be making in front of my colleagues or boss at my new job?) But so far logic hasn't played a very big part with my interaction with said employment agency.
She does call back the next day. "Hello this is L...., I have the information you needed please call me back."
I don't.
Posted by
7:11 PM
Labels: bad employment agency, employment, employment agency, Incompetent, incompetent employment agency, incompetentcy, interviewing, job search, jobs, ranting
Posted by
2:12 PM
Labels: Ant, bad experiences, insects, journal, life, war, writing creative writing
Posted by
10:23 AM
Labels: "blogger frustration", blog exposure, blog help, blog promotion, blog traffic, blogger in need, blogger needs help, blueseaurchin, help help help, website exposure, website help
Posted by
4:32 PM
Labels: Big error, creative writing, doodle, journal, new york, office story, pencil, Small error
Moth liked to fly at night. It’s cool out at night and there is no bright sun to burn his eyes and singe his wings. This was until he came upon a candle light and so fond of the little light which wasn’t as bold and brash as the sun he inched over to explore.
The other moths warned…noooo….everyone who goes there dies in the flame… so Moth flew off but watched the flickering light from afar in the dark.
Drawn to it he moves closer and flies around and feels it’s comforting warmth, each times inching closer until ouch to close, it’s true what they say it does burn he thinks. But so nice is the swaying light and the warmth that a little closer could be ok. Yes quite nice Moth thinks. So nice and white it makes me glow.
Mesmerized he can no longer leave the light but swims back and forth closer each time till his emotions get the better of him and he dashes madly off in the center because he can no longer bear to be any further.
Posted by
4:15 PM
Labels: death, destruction, fable, love, mini story, moth, short story
Because I speak French I can eavesdrop on them, which is easy to do because they believe they are the only ones in the area to understand the language and so they speak freely, intimately, and without reserve. It was because of this that I once shared an elevator with a a young couple who were discussing how they could cheat on their taxes. Surprised, I turn around to get a closer look at them but my face must of seemed too alert for the casual glance i had thought I was mastering, their eyes widened in response like scared owls and they whispered for the remaining floors.
Posted by
5:02 PM
Labels: caught, eavesdrop, eavesdropping, elevator conversations, journal, new york moment, ny moment, writing
Posted by
8:05 PM
Labels: Freedom, journal, ladybug, office burn out, story, writing
Posted by
7:05 PM
Labels: bubble effect, disgusting, LIRR, mta, new york moment, public transportation, subway, subway experience, undesirable bubble effect