The ghost that stole my apartment
Being of a sinister and pessimistic NY nature, I wonder if there is an actual bid or rather a bluff from the broker with the intention of encouraging me a full bid.
Posted by
1:11 PM
Labels: alphabet city, apartment, bluff bid, broker, nyc
I want to move the Hudson Valley Area in some rural property. I want a farm house that's immersed in a forest of trees. I want a trail that will take me to a stream. I want to smell the earth after it rains. I want to hear nature and nothing else. I want to be able to sit in nature and not meet another soul for hours and reflect on the beauty of it all.
I don't want to commute. I don't want to work in an office. I don't know what I shall do.
Posted by
3:59 PM
It seems fall suddenly crept up on us. It's November so I suppose we can consider it late.
The chilled winds are howling and and shaking our trees and their remaining leaves like mother nature cleaning up and blowing summer away. The sky is a serious grey as if clothed in some dark suit awaiting some momentous occasion and I am hiding in my bath tub with a fine book listening to the house creak with the sounds of heat being pumped up. Its funny, during these colder seasons it seems there is no better place to be then at home. There is no want, need or desire, just the here and now and my tiny pink toes sticking out of the water.
Posted by
3:48 PM
I am not getting enough sleep. I am an 8 hour sleeper. I can even push 9 if convenient or sometimes even when not convenient but much needed. In any case I seem to be getting to bed later and later, most unfortunately the time I must awaken to make my train has not changed. And it is always too early and apparently getting earlier as I am sleeping later. Now you think that a reasonable person with fine analytical skills would go to sleep earlier in order to escape this painful routine. And in the morning, as my alarm rings and I tap the snooze button thinking about how I will make up the time, to catch said train on time, I promise myself in the most sincere manner that tonight I will sleep earlier. I promise this to myself like a gift. I look forward to it and placate my desire to remain in bed with it. I fool myself, I trick myself, I lie to myself, because as the hours tick away at night, I become involved in mundane web searches, listening to music, or reading. The hours tick away without my notice. And then in the morning as the sun rises and the alarm rings the deceit recommences once again.
Posted by
3:53 PM
Labels: blueseaurchin journal, journal, lack of sleep, mini story, The Liar
Posted by
3:48 PM
I wonder if i scare off potential readers with my childish pictures. Perhaps they open it and think....this is a childs blog how cute, click, exit.
I am prone to childish behavior and I wonder if somehow this doesn't sabotage an adult world.
Posted by
2:05 PM
Posted by
1:42 PM
Labels: betrayal, death, mini story, obscure, scary story, short story
I awoke at 4:30 a.m.
I believe it was the empty feeling of un-fulfilment that pulled me out of my slumber.
I think 4:30 a.m. is not a good time to wake up when I had planned to be up by 7:15 a.m. And I tell this to myself as I shut my eyes attempting to return to my nocturnal activity.
I was not enjoying my dream. I was calculating figures and thinking about my bank account. I squish my eyes shut trying to force them backwards into REM. I feel anxiety seep through my sheets engulfing me as I turn over to ignore it. I reach for another pillow holding it close to protect me and and while trying to squelch these overflowing thoughts I try reasoning with them: "I am in bed, i am trying to sleep, its very late for all this, I have to wake up soon, very early," but inexorably they push on.
I am just too small to stop them. If only we could have a magical spray to spray them away.
Posted by
10:10 AM
In Manhattan nobody looks at anyone, in the face or in the eyes. They look toward you but not at you. they have been bombarded by all types of eyes, noses, skin, ears, and lips to last them some time. Their mind can no longer process and their eyes have developed a dull glaze that reverberates all images back out like a pair of reflective glasses. I am not immune to this fatigue. I have it as well. That is why I must go back to LI to see space, air, grass, leaves, trees and nothing. Absolutely nothing.
And nothing can be pleasurable.
Posted by
4:00 PM
Labels: Face fatigue, manhattan
Mommy's coming! My mommy is flying in Thursday. And I am so very excited to see her again. I still have much to do. I have my room to clean up, vacuuming, laundry, mowing the lawn and all this before Thursday!!!
I think we will go to the MoMa museum on Friday, then as the weekend should be nice we can walk around the city or go to the botanical garden. I want her to have a great time as she is always working so hard in the Caribbean taking care of the family property and dealing with my fathers "Adam's Family". Even he doesn't want to deal with most of them, but happily lets my mother do it. She is so very patient....Too Patient. I have to teach her the word "NO". Two little letters...yet she has so much difficulty saying them.....
Posted by
3:58 PM
I keep sneezing, sniffling and my tiny feet were like to icicles this morning at the office.....sitting like this for 8 hours was just out of the question. And yet this always happens, its cloudy making the day cooler and they keep the a/c amped up, which means i am shivering with my jacket on. Well I found my little floor heater and I am now as warm and cuddly as a little rabbit.
I was once told they keep the office cool to keep people awake. However if we are sick and uncomfortable we simply cannot work.
Posted by
3:57 PM
Labels: Icicle feet
1:00 PM
I am at the office and just beginning to wake up. I notice that my nails are green. Not an even nail-polished-intentional-green as if I am stylish (which I occasionally attempt), but rather spotted smudged green as in "I have a younger child" (which I don't have), or"I am an artist" (which is also not true), or I dumpster dive for stuff (also not true), or I have been removing disintegrating and sticky paint on my binoculars for bird watching (true) which has now attached itself in an unsightly way to my nails. Oh, so much less exciting.
Posted by
3:55 PM
Labels: green nails
Posted by
10:06 AM
Labels: arguments., broken friendships, fights, stick out my tongue
My friend calls me at work to tell me that she is paying for her boyfriends ticket from Italy.
Because he is a pre-med student and we are in love and he is the only one i will ever be in love with and, and, and.
ok. (i can tell by her tone of voice she has already decided. She isn't asking)
Then later, much later.....she calls and says she is paying for everything, taxis, restaurants, drinks, broadway shows. And he is spending a lot. (other people money is always easier to spend) And i have to lend him my suitcase because he doesn't have room for all the stuff he purchased. And i have to bring that suitcase from Manhattan to JFK for him as he is currently in Miami with his friends.
and he bought all these presents for his friends in Italy, his friends girlfriends, his family, and clothes for himself. Expensive clothes for himself. And he went to Tiffanys to get me a present but he realized he didn't have enough for anything.
(So he got her nothing. Not a thing, not a flower, not a flower pedal, not even a fake flower.)
What did he get you from Italy?
But he tells me he loves me. Amora, Amora, Amora.....
ok. uh, M....he's using you.
No. No. No. You don't understand. I can tell he loves me.
Finally she breaks down and she calls him.
He loves her.
Its settled.
Happily ever after.
Maybe not.
But Perhaps relationship exist to make us struggle so that we can learn to be humble, making us a little less hard, a little more sensitive with others . Perhaps its not all about getting married, but an experience to improve ourselves, provide us with depth. A journey in which we both suffer hardship, enjoy tenderness and acquire wisdom. I think my friend hit a bump.
Posted by
4:38 PM
Labels: bad friendships, gigolo, he loves me, he loves me not, insane, twisted love, user
Went to the Hamptons with some friends. The main street seemed to have been created by some self righteous, elementary school teachers, who lack imagination. Everything was white, even the anal retentive white picket fences and totally void of any creativity, it was street for those that roam the earth but had given up on living.
Posted by
6:55 AM
Labels: Hamptons
June paced through her room back and forth with the moonlight illuminating her thin silhouette like a restless ghost. She was cold but not the kind of cold that a sweater would help. Isolated alone and tired she sat on the bed which only made her more aware of Tims absence, it was his pillow, his side of the bed, his books lined against the wall. She wrapped her arms around her body and felt old. She had known Tim since he was a boy. Knew how he was the few to come from a good family and knew that he despised the scratchers for their poverty, the manner they spoke, the way they dressed and for all the same reasons that he now despised her. And as she got up to look at herself in the partially broken mirror its as if she had seen herself for the first time. It was garbage, her haird was dull and poorly cut, her eyes seemed too large as if she was always searching for change, her glow in the dark plastic necklace seem rediculous. she knew she no longer wanted to scratcher, no longer wanted to survive and no longer wanted to impose her image on any other human being.
The groups who had always liked her had sent there youngest members little bowls of soups, sandwhiches, which now lay on the floor untouched. She did not despise them. She felt sorry that they went through such efforts for her and felt sorrier that she would not accept the offerings they had sacrificed to share with her.
Slowly as if an inexorable force was pulling her towards the window she stood there climbing on the sill as delicately as a cat. And she stood there with both feet planted on the sill as if ready to jump. But then as she was looking down at the cold dark street she saw a young girl in the house accross holding the ledge of the building and forgetting that she too was standing on a ledge she gasped and thought what terrible thing to do. She was so suprised she almost fell down but caught herself at the last moment by the old curtain. She jumped back into her room and without throwiing anything over her pink slip she ran down the steps and accross the street. She stood their and both woman staning in their light colored slips, looked at eachother in for a moment in suprise, so that it was as if life had created this mirror of a moment. As if there was no one else left in the world which had suddenly been reduced to this little street and to these two girls. Come down from there I want to talk to you. The other girl started to talk but instead just shook her head. Come down, don't waste time. You can't jump, i have lost everything and I didn't jump. The girl said you don't know what you are talking about. Well come explain, we have all night, then later you can jump if you want. The girl stood their pensively, and cocked her head, what have you lost. I am not having this conversation this come down. Come down, the girl look doubtful but then suddenly disappeared into the dark window to finally make her way down to the street with a sweather wrapped around her.
These two woman sat on an old bench by the river bank and talked all night. Later they stole wine and talked more as the sun came up. It was as if they had survived the dark night and had went through a journey together so it was as if they were linked. The girl knew someone that could write and would take her to see her so that she could have her own book. But the June shook her head head, i dont' have anymore stories you don't understand. And the girl laughed for what seemed hours so that when she wiped her eyes and could finally see her friend again she realized she was angry. Then with a hand on Junes shoulder she said you just told me a story. And June looked in disbelief, she could make it into a story and if you want you have my story. I want only to go home where i have money and a family and you can help me. And everyone in your building has there own story, not what you see everyday, but there story. How they got there, who they are.
Posted by
7:51 AM
Labels: short stories
Part I
We were called to the Scratchers. We were called that because it was said that we would try to scratch out a little money from anything. Everybody had their group, their gang, their family. Tim and June mainly just had each other because they Tim was better at scratching and less good at sharing although he needed June for comfort and storytelling. And June was great at storytelling so that we would all crowd around her late at nights and she would weave her tails. Even Tim was not immune to a good storyteller. We all lived in the same abandoned building but for the most part electricity and plumbing were fine. It was food and clothing, and getting money to do things that was an issue. There was no money for the most part in their area and no jobs unless you knew the right people. But they were the Scratchers and mostly only knew each other and mostly only helped each other.
The grey building consisted of groups of 6 or 7 and they would protect each other, and share information, and money and food. But as I said Tim was fussy and only got along with June. June had this way about her that everyone liked and as i said before she was an awfully fine storyteller. Sometimes if she had a real good one, she would dress in the park and recite for people on a small hill and people would throw money at her.
Anyway June decided one day that she was going to tell our story in Grey building but we all warmed her no one was going to pay for our tale. No one wanted to hear tales of Scratchers, and being hungry, and running around to make some money. We told her to stick to her own stories that she was so good at. But she refused to listen and for 4 weeks she told no stories but would walk about the building in deep concentration. Finally one day she told us all she was going to the hill and we watched her and Tim walk off as we alerted everyone they were going.
She made our grey building into a tower, she poked into our little lives and shed lights here and there so we could see ourselves for the first time. The time little Hat's brother got so hungry and bored he shoved little Hat out of the window and his fall was broken by Linder and how that section was indebted to the other section. Which lead to Linder's trying to use the dept to merge the groups to the biggest group. But that the other groups wouldn't hear of it so that they tried kidnapping members and then and on and on....and we all sat their looking into our lives as if it were in some strange tale. We barely noticed that there was not the usually crowd of well off Katers around our hill but a much larger number then usual. Nobody noticed that Tim was not to be seen, but he was there never the less, we know because of what happened. Well, apparently one of the Katers said this is good enough to sell and so Tim started writing everything down. He was the few amongst us that could write. And later he came around for collection as he usually did to collect money. After that we just didn't see Tim again. But some of us were like that we would drift some and come back.
It was only when it go cold in the winter and we all went back on the hill because June said she was going to re-tell our story and she was hungry that we saw Tim in a fur cape with a young woman with luxurious fire red hair down to her back. We didn't go up to him right away because we thought we were mistaken as he seemed so changed and fancy. It couldn't be Tim because it had to be some Kater that looked like Tim but then it was Tim. And as she sat on her hill with her best dark dress and no coat even though it was cold because she did not own a nice coat, the Katers all came around and said but she is telling the story of that book. The grey building and instead of listening they all talked amongst themselves and paid her no attention so that she lost her place until after much struggling she stopped talking as now one was listening and we were all watching the Katers exclaim they knew the book.
When we finally looked back at June she had turned to stone and was just sitting their as if her soul had left her. And if anyone was close enough at the right moment they would of hear her say very quietly to herself, "so this is what it is to have your very thoughts ripped away from you". And with this after several hours of sitting in the dark some of us took pity on her and forced her back to our building. She moved like a sheep, not following us but allowing herself to be lead.
Posted by
7:21 PM
So this friend, who is not much of a friend, who i sort of got into an argument with during the mini-NY blackout yesterday, ims me as usual. She tells me all of her problems and her solutions and her happiness and i realize suddenly that I don't really care. It's like a cord that has been cut that once linked her to me that seems to be irrevocably beyond repair. This is not about the argument, this is about what she talks about, her attitude, and her ever consuming self absorption. I am not only bored but I am annoyed by her childishly whining ims, overly emotional conversations. I feel bombarded and overwhelmed, almost suffocated. Her personalty now seems brittle, hollow and slightly obnoxious. I now can't help but see her like a void, being nothing, but sucking everything in, and namely my energy and time.
She contacts me this morning. I send her a few well meaning ims in response, but really I know I am just trying to be polite. In a way, I suppose i was a little elated after are argument. I never really thought about how I was enjoying our friendship less, it seems my discontent has grown like an internal symtomless disease only to show its dreadful face upon this situation.
I have just recently stopped stopped making lunch plans with her, not realizing that i no longer enjoyed her company, but just thinking i needed some time to myself. I suppose it won't be much longer. Au revoir.
Posted by
6:14 PM
Labels: arguments, bad friendships, blog blueseaurchin, blueseaurchin, blueseaurchin journal, egotistical, overly self involved, self centered
It's raining rather heavily. First time since a long time. I have a cozy room I rarely use with a bed at level with the window overlooking a garden. I am making my bed just to enjoy this night time show with a good book and fall asleep to the sound and smell of the rain. I could spend my entire night listening to the this!
Posted by
7:10 PM
We experienced a mini black out in NY today. It tested my friendship. As I informed my friend from a nearby office and looked for alternative routes to go home and as our office were all anxiously seeking more info from an overburdened subway website that adamantly refused to load for us so we can view it, my friend informed me she didn't care. According to her, her side of Manhattan wasn't effected and it was too bad for the other side. The Eastern side, my office's side, my side. I argued how rude and callous her attitude was, gently at first and perhaps firmer later (as with the case with arguments). But after her stoically stating we would just have to deal with it. I asked her if I could use that line when she came to me with her problems. (as in just this morning...hours of boring and repetitive arguments between her and her lover). We ended the argument with exclamations, and bitter intonations. I told her not to come crying on my shoulder about her endless arguments which inexorable always solved themselves but which left me bored and tired from listening to. She shouted she wouldn't. Not to worry. Then she said Ciao. I was like yup, ciao, for I am not one who feels the need to maintain burndensome companionships that don't provide some level of solace. She will have to do better if she plans to stick around.
Posted by
6:54 PM
Labels: argument, black out, blog blueseaurchin, blueseaurchin, blueseaurchin journal, creative writing, friends, journal, subway fight
Write blogs,
Write comments in other peoples blogs,
call ex-boyfriends
declare your love to someone (especially to an ex-someone)
show up at work
show up anywhere near a co-worker
perm or color your own hair
get a tatoo
fall asleep on a subway
shop online with your credit card
or shop online with yhour boy friend's credit card
oh I fear my list is too long
please feel free to contact me for the full list should you require it.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Labels: blog blueseaurchin, blue sea urchin, blue seaurchin, blueseaurchin, craigs list, creative writing, journal, things not to do, things you should never do drunk, things you should never do intoxicated
The smell of autumn
Memories of past failures that endlessly swirl around blotting out the future
The far away sound ducks make crossing the winter sky
The way cats carefully evaluate me with their long stares
Reading Harry Potter books under the cover
The soft cushioned sound things make after a snowfall
A silver subway roaring under a grid as I stand above
An English accent
vibrations of thunder
The sensation of a breeze gently moving across my skin
A cross-country train ride in a foreign country
The smell of the sea after a long winter indoors
A turtle letting itself fall into a pond
My moms smile
The sound of a horses gallop
A lover wispering into my ear
A deep fog which shrouds the familiar with magical quality
The kindness of strangers
Building snowmen
Gulping down oysters with a good beer
Swimming in a luminously bright green waterfall after a long difficult hike
Posted by
5:17 PM
Labels: blog blueseaurchin, blog exposure, blue sea urchin, blue seaurchin, blueseaurchin, journal, moments in time, things i love
I just received my pharmacy card from my health plan. So shiny and new. Something in the mail i don't have look over, or pay for. I put it in my wallet. I go back to the paperwork, a booklet, and some paper. I look for coverage. How much of my medication will be covered, when, where, and under what conditions. This is all we really need to know. But no, they have seemingly killed all these trees to write useless information and little pictures to make it seem more user friendly. What else does anyone need to know from a pharmacy card other then coverage and coverage amount?
I don't know why the world demands that i be competent, when the rest of the world is quite clearly not.
Posted by
8:18 PM
They say, Money doesn't buy happiness, but if you spend 8 hours of your time at a job you dislike as the majority of people do and some extra time commuting to this job, and some more time getting ready to go to this job, it does seem money could remedy the situation.
Pass me the uh, money please.
Posted by
8:14 PM
I know the last post was rubbish. I will try harder next time.
Posted by
7:56 PM
I have this friend that thinks i should put myself back on the dating market. I try to tell her, uh, i am not the dating type and now that i have been out it for a while I am even less so. I don't want to dress up and pretend I care what they say or where they work or who their names are and all those things you must remeber when you date. Truth is, I am too tired and don't care about having a relationship anymore. I feel as if fate hasn't sent the correct person to me yet, well it's time to move on and stop dreaming.
Some people are just meant to be solo and i am pretty sure i am one of those people.
Sure there are days when i still hope and dream, but for the most part, I think I have come to terms with the future.
Posted by
12:47 PM
It's Friday and we are compactly packed into the first subway car so that once we arrive at our destination which is the same destination we are all destined to, we can file out first and not have to fight are way around a mob of people to get to the elevator from the overly filled platform clearly not designed to accommodate the number it receives daily. We all know the consequences of being in the this car because it is the same every morning. We know we will be pushed, and stepped on, and have to fight for a little spot in which we can hopefully grab on to something so as not to be jostled by the conductors heavy foot. We all know it's a bit unbearable and there are always some remarks, or some one who gives someone a look or someone who is so closely wedged beside you you are certain you know his/her face better then the persons significant other. Yet occasionally we get people who do not know all these things or who refuse" to comply to the first car inconvenience in order to get to work early and avoid the painfully slow moving mob on the extremely narrow platform. For just this Friday, there were these 2 woman who just don't understand these very basic ideas. Instead, they decided this subway condition we were all enduring was cause to fight over.
"you're stepping on my foot"
i said i was sorry
i don't like your attitude and it took you too long to get off my foot
get over it
and on and on this very circular conversation went in a loop as most arguments do
when thinking it would evaporate, i close my eyes to hear yells and everyone is looking at the two woman pushing each other on a subway car that is so compact i can barley turn my body around. They are forced apart by other passengers and one woman is told to get out at the next stop. The man holding the other woman is patting her back. How patient he is i think.
How can this be? That people are so willing to fight and demean themselves like children over a broken toy neither of them wants. Why don't they fight for a better life so they wont have to take the subway. No, they risk broken teeth, black eyes and humiliation over nothing. For their is absolutely nothing to gain. And even if they don't know how to behave in public, they must at least know that everyone had a good laugh at their expense.
Posted by
6:40 PM
Labels: blue sea urchin, blue seaurchin, blueseaurchin, subway experience, subway fight
Posted by
8:27 AM
Labels: art, babbling, beauty, blue sea urchin, blue seaurchin, blueseaurchin, fear, hate, journal, love, pain, poems, power, relationships, short stories
I tell my friend lets hang out Friday and get a massage at the place in the East Village we always go to. It has several separate message rooms with low walls that finish a about a foot or 2 from the ceiling to provide ventilation. I like these rooms because i can have the seclusion I need but still know my friend is close by sharing the same experiences.
Anyway...she says she thinks she has plans and will let me know. On Friday, she gets back to me about Friday, not that we haven't spoken Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We have. she asks if we are going out but i have already envisioned taking the express train which only runs early and is refreshingly empty as compared to the other trains and taking a warm shower, eating and retiring to bed early with the book I am defiantly reading. (defiantly because I am not really enjoying it but continuing to read because it has earned recognition so I feel if I wander down the entire path and see it to the end I may better understand and consequently better appreciate it. Not that I don't comprehend the story, I do, but perhaps I will better understand it's finer points. The points that the author intends for his reader to realize and enjoy.
Anyway, as my friend was taking her time to make plans I had already made plans with myself. As strange as this may sound, it happens to be the truth. More so, when i make plans I usually look forward to them, whether they be with man, a woman, or myself, and as I look forward to my future plans, I have of course no desire to change them. There is also the idea of why I might want to cancel plans with myself to be with someone who didn't get back to me until she was certain she didn't have better plans. Right? Besides, if truth be told, even though she is a great person, a neat friend, and plenty of fun to have around, I tend to enjoy my own company more after having worked an entire week with people and having my space encroached upon for such periods of time, thought this too, I cannot tell her.
Posted by
8:26 AM
Labels: blueseaurchin, by myself, friends, my own company, Rendez vous, solo
No need to cry it will be the same once you are done anyway.
Posted by
8:23 AM
Three little deadly kisses is what they are. No more, no less. On the lips and not further. A touch of an arm. A touch so light not to distract you but to assure myself of your existence. It's stretching the tips of your toes to the bottom of water in which you wade to assure yourself the earth is still there. But even this is not real. I have no fingers. I become only lips, there is no body, nor 22 floors holding the building underneath us, nor anything above us. No ceiling, no floors, no clouds, no moon, no life, no death. Eternity in an eternal embrace of souls connected only by barely touching lips. Too ethereal to remain, you disappear, and with you all else. I close my eyes, my ears, my touch, I have only this.
Posted by
6:13 PM
Posted by
7:45 AM
Labels: blue sea urchin, blue seaurchin, blueseaurchin, break up, come back, departure, journal, return, stories
Yes, i think my boss is slightly concerned about my lack of work. Or lack of work at my disposal. You see when ever he comes behind my desk to pick up something he printed from his computer, the printer is, conveniently for him, behind my desk and he notices my personal google searches or or me im-ing my friend, M.... He has recently attempted to rectify this problem. He has found work for me to do. We sit in a long meeting concerning how I would update the company brochure importing text from a power point presentation and our company website. He gives me meticulous notes written on the pages of the print out, some on yellow post-its. Insert this paragraph A here, delete page 7 and 8, integrate text from website, etc. A nice, neat, and precise package. It seems fool proof.
I try to nod and scribble notes on my copy of documents along side. I try to suppress my yawn. I try not to put my head down on my desk or close my eyes. I try to make reassuring noise....hmmm, yes, ok like this, at the right moments. He seems pleased, thanks me and the meeting is over. It seems as if everything should move along quickly now. I nod.
We believe by July it should be settled. It's all a matter of copy, paste and maintaining formatting. Problem is, I don't know quark and when i paste parts of the text it disappears off the page and my formatting tool bars are unresponsive to my needs and the Quark books is much too big and boring to learn in so short a segment of time for a one small project.
Uh, excuse me Mr. Supervisor, we have run into a problem.
Posted by
2:47 PM
Labels: Administrative assistant, blue sea urchin, blue seaurchin, blueseaurchin, copy and paste, corporate work, journal, office problems, office story, Quark, software problems
I am trying to put the pieces together. I don't know if i should try to get my bachelors in IT (my English one does't have much zing) or try to become a programmer or buy a new apartment in manhattan or move back to the carribean. BUT I feel something has to change because I have been in this chapter for much too long. And it has become a repetitive loop. Sure I have another job, but it's another job which I don't like same as my last job. But i had left that job thinking this was the all important change that was going to change everything. I had even changed my sector. But yet here I am again at exactly the same place almost a year later and so out of indecision I am running around in a loop. And I am becoming despondent and sulky. I go to work because i have too, i buy clothes because i have to, i eat because i have to, and sleep because i have to and round and round it plays.
I have to make a change.
Posted by
2:26 PM
Labels: blue sea urchin, blue seaurchin, blueseaurchin, change, despondent, journal, stuck in a loop
She calls me as soon as I sit down at work. "i need some good advice"
"well i can give you advice, but good advice might cost you."
She has travel vouchers offered at about 1/5 of their commercial value. The person is getting rid of them because he can't use them. Now they are sitting enticingly on Craig's List - Buy me.
what do you know about the seller...oh I have everything, his phone number, a copy of a green card, school transcript from MIT. have a copy of a green card and a copy of someones transcript. That doesn't mean they are real and that doesn't they are even his. He doesn't even want to use PayPal but Greenpoint in which you buy money vouchers and can't refute charges like you would be able to do on a credit card if here were to use Paypal.
ok but i talked to him and we exchanged emails and i know he is legitimate.
How do you know this?
I can tell.
He wrote me back.
Well he would, wouldn't he. He still doesn't have your money. And all the documents he provided, he provided without your it only means he has access to some fake id or or possibly stolen ID. If you are really going to do this anyway, at least ask him to send an email from work stating what he will send you in detail prior to you sending any money. At least you have the domain of a company.
Some time later she calls back to tell me he refused claiming his work privacy is an issue and tells her to search for deals on eBay in which she can feel safer...
she takes this as proof of his sincerity and honesty.
She sends him the money.
She calls me again.
I've been scammed.
What can i do? (........she's asking for more advice)
Nothing, put it down to learning a lesson and move on.
I can't move, on I lost 350 amount of money. And this is not just about the money.
No, it was a worth while lesson. it wasn't a loss of money.
I can't let this go.
Do you really think you are going to catch him, this is how he makes his living...he knows all the tricks and you will just end up more frustrated at having wasted more time and energy on it.
(We argue back and forth for much longer then i care to bore you or admit to myself)
Ultimate result of argument: she decided she is going to look for him and teach him a lesson.
But all this time was not wasted, I am becoming aware of the fact that when most
people ask for advice, what they really are asking for is confirmation that what they really want and plan to do, is the best and possibly only correct course of action.
Posted by
10:14 AM
Labels: advice, blue sea urchin, blue seaurchin, blueseaurchin, craigs list, journal, learning, lesson, life lesson, scammed, story, travel vouchers
Posted by
9:54 PM
Labels: bureaucrat, corporate work, creative writing, mini story, office work, scifi story, short story
Mr. Mouse was quite lost. He needed to go home but it seemed the more he searched, the more lost he became.
Posted by
2:37 PM
Labels: child story, creative writing, mini story, Mouse fable, mouse story, short story
There is this terribly incompetent employment agency (who had interviewed me at least 4 times and had tested me on computer skills for at at least 3 hours) and then later, much after having ignored me for 3 weeks, had called me concerning a job that i had already refused twice. Did they believe three times was lucky?
First the job opportunity was offered as a "temp", then it was presented to me again as a "temp to perm" and now recently it was re- re- presented to be as a "permanent and great job". What were they basing this phenomenal job rating on I am still unsure. In any case I thanked them as best as i could between clenched teeth and and told them that i had recently gained employment but that it was so nice that they thought of me yet once again. The agent seemed upset with me but seemed to be working hard not to show it, offered her congratulations with such a fake smile i could hear her foundation makeup crack under the phenomenal effort as she asked if my file should be removed from the active list. "Yes, please."
But no, no, nothing with these people can be that easy, for I received yet another call from the same agency. This time they had a "really great opportunity" for me. Wow, really? And they described what my unsavory task at said job would be without even coming up for air. You see the list was long. Apparently cloning would be essential. Oh and of course the boss was demanding. Translation: not someone you would want to work for and which in all likelihood would require that the average healthy person would need to go into therapy after a few months.
Finally after reciting this long list with apparently no commas, or periods, she asks if i would be interested in interviewing. I felt embarrassed to state the obvious that if I were to interview for this job it would have to be better then the job I was presently employed at. But apparently it was necessary as she didn't mention any reason why i would want to have this job which would be directly tied under the headings "income", "vacation", "health care" other "possible perks...."
There was a pause as if she is unsure what I am inquiring about.
Upset now at having to state the obvious in more detail and having to talk with this agency that I had already lost so much time previously with, I make a tremendous efforts to remain calm. "Yes, compensation." Why would I need to ask what the compensation is, does she think I work for pleasure and drop these checks in some paper recycling box on my way home? Isn't this the same compensation that she is expecting should the person hire me? Isn't this the same compensation that has instigated her to call me? She can't think I am desperate, I already have a job, wasn't that clear?
There is a pause and her voice sounds frustrated as she mutters "oh its about x to x amount depending on experience".
I tell her I am making approximately that amount where I am. How about vacation? She seems a little angry now....why? Is this not her job being the go between employer and potential employee? Shouldn't she know this information before calling especially as I am employed and it is difficult for me to make these type of phone calls about another job in my office?
She pauses again and lets me know with much irritation that she will need to contact the employer for that information. And now a longer pause. IS this a PAUSE in which she hopes I will say "no that's ok I will interview for this position regardless of pay and vacation?"
Instead I say "that's sounds good and can you please leave the information on my voice mail so that "we" (really meaning "I") don't have to play phone tag and I can make my decision as soon as possible. (doesn't logic stipulate that these aren't calls I want to be making in front of my colleagues or boss at my new job?) But so far logic hasn't played a very big part with my interaction with said employment agency.
She does call back the next day. "Hello this is L...., I have the information you needed please call me back."
I don't.
Posted by
7:11 PM
Labels: bad employment agency, employment, employment agency, Incompetent, incompetent employment agency, incompetentcy, interviewing, job search, jobs, ranting
Posted by
2:12 PM
Labels: Ant, bad experiences, insects, journal, life, war, writing creative writing
Posted by
10:23 AM
Labels: "blogger frustration", blog exposure, blog help, blog promotion, blog traffic, blogger in need, blogger needs help, blueseaurchin, help help help, website exposure, website help
Posted by
4:32 PM
Labels: Big error, creative writing, doodle, journal, new york, office story, pencil, Small error
Moth liked to fly at night. It’s cool out at night and there is no bright sun to burn his eyes and singe his wings. This was until he came upon a candle light and so fond of the little light which wasn’t as bold and brash as the sun he inched over to explore.
The other moths warned…noooo….everyone who goes there dies in the flame… so Moth flew off but watched the flickering light from afar in the dark.
Drawn to it he moves closer and flies around and feels it’s comforting warmth, each times inching closer until ouch to close, it’s true what they say it does burn he thinks. But so nice is the swaying light and the warmth that a little closer could be ok. Yes quite nice Moth thinks. So nice and white it makes me glow.
Mesmerized he can no longer leave the light but swims back and forth closer each time till his emotions get the better of him and he dashes madly off in the center because he can no longer bear to be any further.
Posted by
4:15 PM
Labels: death, destruction, fable, love, mini story, moth, short story
Because I speak French I can eavesdrop on them, which is easy to do because they believe they are the only ones in the area to understand the language and so they speak freely, intimately, and without reserve. It was because of this that I once shared an elevator with a a young couple who were discussing how they could cheat on their taxes. Surprised, I turn around to get a closer look at them but my face must of seemed too alert for the casual glance i had thought I was mastering, their eyes widened in response like scared owls and they whispered for the remaining floors.
Posted by
5:02 PM
Labels: caught, eavesdrop, eavesdropping, elevator conversations, journal, new york moment, ny moment, writing
Posted by
8:05 PM
Labels: Freedom, journal, ladybug, office burn out, story, writing
Posted by
7:05 PM
Labels: bubble effect, disgusting, LIRR, mta, new york moment, public transportation, subway, subway experience, undesirable bubble effect
A friend sent me this story which I believe embodies hope and it's importance. Strangely, during the times when we need it most it is usually the most difficult to maintain. I share this story which I hope replenishs or adds to your source.
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.
The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway, so it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They each grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.
At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw.
With every shovel full of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt.
The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone.
We can get out of the deepest wells by not stopping, never giving up! Shake the dirt off and take a step up!
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
Posted by
8:41 AM
Labels: hope, inspiration, life, writing
It’s raining very hard, beating everything down with a fervor and a fanciful frenzy. Sometimes strait, sometimes tilting firmly to the left as if aiming for some spot it suspects it may have missed in its strait downward path. It paints the day sky into evening offering dark puddles to reflect upon in the shapes of sudden bonsai lakes appearing here and there like random thoughts. The birds fly in strange leaps to make up for the winds unpredictable gust rushing back and forth towards the bird feeder…and as their is no need to be fearful of cats in the undergrowth they spread themselves on the grass not minding the rain but picking here and there at the moist soil. The weather eases my restless conscious that I should be running about on errands or enjoying my weekend in a more active style instead of hiding behind a book under the cover reading next to the warm radiator. This rain suits me and the birds just find.
Posted by
2:58 PM
Labels: homebody, rain, staying in, writing
My short lived stint of self-employment as a translator has now officially ended. I am now "gainfully employed" (cheers in the background - "Go Girl, Go Girl")
After many disturbing and disastrous interviews and poor offers, I have finally made my way into the industry that I had been looking to enter which is finance - check.
I have the ballpark salary I was aiming for - check.
The position is promising - check.
The position offers growth and the company is growing - check.
The people seem nice and down to earth - check.
It's as if all my checklist have been covered and all my wishes have been granted so now why do i feel so wistful? Why this lingering doubt? The grey cloud?
As much as this period of interview and endless searching felt demoralizing it also had a flavor of hope that all my efforts towards employment were refused or deemed unworthy by me so that i could maintain my course of self employment to eventually become a full time writer. I could end up writing the next Harriet Potter book and move to London where my writing would be aided by the cities rainy weather and a warm fireplace in a cosy flat. Not an apartment, a flat, like the British have and in my closets there would be many beautiful long raincoats which I would swirl around the city and sit in warm cafe in watching the rain. With this occupation I would travel to see my family as often as i feel like. I would take long trips by train and work on the move glancing at the countryside flying by my window while tapping away at my laptop.
Instead, on Monday morning at 7:00 AM I will be waiting on the platform for the LIRR to take me Manhattan in corporate attire where upon arrival at Penn station, I will board the bleak looking E line to my stop at Lexington. In this area I will walk to my office and work from 9 to 5.
Still, I have a laptop and my ambition, and with these as the British say I will "press on".
Posted by
11:07 AM
Labels: employment, hired, LIRR, London, looking for work, press on, pressing on, self employment, subway, writer, writing
My little (completely) white Averatec laptop on which I email, blog, search the weather, search the news, surf, buy things I don’t really need but really want, listen to my music with, play movies on, write zany stories on which I show no one, translate my work with, created reports on, infuriate my ex-boss with, horrified my computer-savy tech warrior sister with (feels it is technologically inadequate and is terrified anyone wood purchase a computer based on color and design –sorry Jen), skype my family in st.barth with, use to teach my mom excel, word, google and computer basics with (and to both of our astonishment has managed to survive). ;-P
Posted by
8:26 PM
Labels: Burt's bees, Green tea, I can't live without, laptop, Little things, loose tea leaves., love
I am experiencing a pissy blogger moment. I just spent over 2 hours trying to find out how to add links and then slowly it dawned on me that the lack of information concerning this seemingly complicated process is probably due to the fact that the new templates have user friendly link option. And guess what, after spending all that time and aggravation trying to simulate computer code in order to add a link i found my efforts were not necessary at all. In fact they were an easy option in the new templates. Just a few clicks!
This only makes me worry what other time I am seemly wasting doing things the long complicated way when there is a simple shortcut staring me in the face. This fear is the reason why i am procrastinating investing all my mind attaining "full time employment". I believe there must a more fulfilling, promising and lucrative options. But where does that path lie? How many mountains must I climb before I find my way?
Posted by
7:07 PM
Labels: "blogger frustration", "finding my way", frustration, journal, life path, permalink, pissy, self employment, technologically stupid, writing